Monday, September 18, 2006

Essential Word Dictonary Homework

These are 5 terms that i have chosen from the Essential Word Dictonary which i believe are related to my topic.

1. Adventure Film: a film genre in which the characters are placed in an exciting and often dangerous location far away from home. Characters frequently face physical and environmental challanges, e.g. human enemies, dangerous or exotic animals, difficult terrain, natural disasters and dangerous missions.

The reason why this links in with my study is because spider-man 2 is also an adventerous movie, and places the protagonist in confined and dangerous situations.

2. Althusser, Louis (1918-90): french Marxist sociologist with a particular interest in the role of the media in supporting dominant ideology and in the symbolic order seperating us from reality. He saw the media as an ideological state apparatus operating entirely in the interest of the state and the ruling elite.

This is second term which is useful to my study becuase i can say that spider-man 2 is an supporting a dominant ideology and seperating the audience from reality.

3. Blockbuster: a big budget Hollywood film. Blockbusters combine known stars and celebrities with fast- moving action narratives, spectacular sets and many special effects. The emphasis is on hype and spectacle rather thanon plot and character development. Ideologically, they are dominated by US cultural perspectives and values. e.g. Spider-man (Sam Raimi, 2002)

This is also a very helpful term and also it gives an example of my text.

4. Method Acting: a style of acting developed by Konstantin Stanislavsky in his book An Actor Prepares (1936) Method acting acting involves actors merging themselves psychologically into the characters they are representing and becoming those characters. The intention is to create the character psychologically and emotionally, as well as physically.

This is also a very helpful term whcih relates to my study as that is what the protagonist of the film has used to attract audiences.

5. Motif: a recurrent theme or element that runs through a film and is repeated in a significant way, often expressing a key message. A motif can be a symbol, an object, a stylistic element, a word or a phrase and is sometimes picked up by the film's publicity material.

This is also a verey helpful term as it refers to the hand signs used in spider-man 2.

Trailer of Spider-man 2

This is the link of the theatrical trailer of Spider-man 2

Watch it and enjoy!