Sunday, November 26, 2006

Task 11: Mulvey

At first when i was studying my chosen text, i wasnt really aware of how Laura Mulvey will be a key theorist to look at and to apply the theory to my independent essay.

However, as i looked into Mulvey's theory in depth, there are points which link to Spiderman 2 and the passive role of the female character, M.J (Kirsten Dunst). In this film, the males are the leading characters such as Spidey and the Villain-Doc Ock, the female role is really passive where she has no strenghth to release her self after being held captive by the villain and she cries for help and the male hero then comes to rescue her and take her away.

Also in this particular scene, M.J is positioned in such a way where the camera is at a low angle and she is wearing a really skimpy dress and she is soaked with water and is tied up to a long pole, this scene may link with Mulvey's theory as the pole may be represented as a phallic object which will realease anxiety of the male gaze and prevent castration.

By looking at this particular scene which shows the female character in a passive role, this can also be called a sadistic sequence where the audience are positioned to fulfil their sadistic desire of seeing a woman in pain also known as THE-DAMSEL-IN-DISTRESS, which also links to the misogynistic and partriarchal society.


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